Which Statement Is True When Importing Lists Into QuickBooks Online

Jul 06, 2023 12:04 PM 1 Answers QuickBooks
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Which statement is true when importing lists into QuickBooks Online?

  • Check a box to overwrite customers with identical names
  • Vendors with an identical name will automatically be overwritten
  • Customer and vendor lists can be combined and imported together
  • Check a box to overwrite products and services with identical names
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Jul 06, 2023

All the statements are true when importing lists into QuickBooks Online:

  • Check the option to replace customers with identical names when importing lists.
  • When importing lists, vendors with the same name will be automatically overwritten.
  • Lists of clients and suppliers can be combined and imported simultaneously.
  • To replace goods and services with the same name, check a box.

It's also important to realize that if you imported your items and services incorrectly, you may overwrite all information for each product or service with the same name. This overwrite, however, cannot be undone.

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