Need to upgrade and move to a new server License number.

Apr 14, 2022 10:44 AM 1 Answers QuickBooks Pro
Member Since Apr 2022
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I have QB pro-2017 for 3 users. Need to upgrade and move to a new server License number.

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James Herry
Apr 14, 2022

Follow the following steps to upgrade QuickBooks Desktop Pro 2020 Upgrade and move to a new server

When you update to a newer version of QBDT, you'll also need to upgrade the company files in order to continue utilizing them in a newer version of QuickBooks Desktop. Let us restore a backup copy of your firm files in order to update.

Here's how to update an older business file:

  1. Let's make certain that all users have logged out of your corporate file.
  2. Launch your new QuickBooks Desktop version.
  3. If you don't have a business file open, choose Open or Restore Company. You may also pick Open or Restore Company from the File menu.
  4. Next, select Open a business file. Select Restore a backup copy and then Local backup if you have a backup company file (QBB) rather than a company file (QBW).
  5. Look through your computer for your company file. In Step 1, you noted the file's location. Select it, then click Open.
  6. Log in as an admin user to your company file.
  7. QuickBooks automatically generates a backup of your existing business file prior to upgrading. To save the backup in a different folder, choose to change this default location.
  8. To begin the upgrade, click Update Now.
  9. When QuickBooks is completed, click the Done button
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