I need assistance with reversing a merged client profile. And need to upgrade it to QuickBooks 2016 to 2020

May 10, 2022 10:56 AM 1 Answers QuickBooks
Member Since May 2022
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I need assistance with reversing a merged client profile. And need to upgrade it to QuickBooks 2016 to 2020!

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James Antonio
May 10, 2022

Please follow the steps to upgrade your QuickBooks 2016 to 2020,

  • To use the updated version of QuickBooks, you must have a downloaded installer.
  • Double-click the installation after that.
  • Then, if the internet is available, start the installation procedure and click the Next option to download the update.
  • Select the NO option and then hit the Next button to continue.
  • Make sure all other applications are closed before pressing the Next button.
  • You can see the terms and conditions. Read it through and then check the box below that reads "I accept the terms of the License agreement," then click Next to continue.
  • Select the Network or Custom choices, then the installation method.
  • Select Yes and then Allow Access from the drop-down menu.
  • Enter the Product and License Numbers.
  • After that, you'll see the instructions on the screen.
  • To acquire the QuickBooks Desktop Pro 2020 update, complete these steps.
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