How to Reprint a Lost W-2 on QuickBooks?

When crumbling to manage all the financial and accounts related requisites for your business, then you feel the real quest […]

When crumbling to manage all the financial and accounts related requisites for your business, then you feel the real quest for a software that could have taken care of it proficiently. With regards to the same, QuickBooks has been acknowledged to be one of the best software to manage and track all accounts related and financial activities.

While discussing about QuickBooks, one of the key actions that you would require the exigent need for is reprinting a lost W-2. The primary reason for this would be at times when any of your employees would raise a request for reissuing the form.

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Thus, get complete details with this article on how to reprint a lost W-2 on QuickBooks. Going further, you would find assisting ways and steps to execute the same.

Steps to Reprint a Lost W-2 on QuickBooks

Follow the steps below carefully and proceed:

Step 1: Visit the Payroll Tax Center (PTC). You would find the Payroll Tax Center (PTC) under QuickBooks File.

Step 2: Choose Employees followed by tapping on Payroll Center.

Step 3: Go through the File Forms tab and hit View/Print Forms & W2s.

Step 4: At this step, you need to provide your respective PIN which is assigned for your payroll subscription service. After entering your payroll subscription service PIN, press OK.

Step 5: A list of the employees would be displayed on the W-2 page. In case you do not see the list of employees on the W-2 page, tap on View/Print W-2 forms (you can choose this for all years).

Step 6: From the list, click on the employee’s name who has raised the form reprint request and view the W-2 form. In case, the W-2 form is not opening, press CTRL + ALT at the same time while you are making a click on the employee’s W-2.

Step 7: Choose View Reprints. Once you have selected this, you need to verify that the forms should have a REISSUED STATEMENT watermark.

You don’t have to worry about adding this watermark since it will be automatically added when you tap on the W-2 form for reprinting it in the QuickBooks.

Step 8: Using the Adobe Reader, open the paper and consider printing them specifically on the perforated paper.

Make sure to check on filling out the instructions form for your employees before you finish the complete procedure.

Alternative Way to Reprint a Lost W-2 on QuickBooks

There is also an alternative way to reprint a lost W-2 on QuickBooks. Here’s how it is done as per the steps put forward below:

Step 1: Choose Employees followed by tapping on Payroll Tax Forms and W-2s.

Step 2: Choose Process Payroll Forms and tap on Saved Filings from Filing History.

Step 3: On the history look for the form which you wish to print. To do this, go to the Saved PDF column and click on the respective link.

Step 4: For finishing the task tap on the print icon.

Feels a lot easier on understanding how to reprint a lost W-2 on QuickBooks? Well, that was the clear objective of this article.

At times while you are searching for this query, you would also see questions like, How to print w2s on pre-printed forms or how to print old w2 in QuickBooks 2017, make sure not to get confused.

These questions are nothing but the same query you are looking for but just framed differently as per the respective individual’s clarity on understanding the responses for the same.

Follow the steps which are mentioned above and you would be more than enough to proceed with the execution.

However, if you feel you are still unsure about how to reprint a lost W-2 on QuickBooks, you can always get your doubts clarified by experts who are available for you 24×7.

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When and Why would Exactly I will Face the Situation Wherein I need to Reprint a Lost W-2 in QuickBooks?

The foremost reason for you to consider reprinting a lost W-2 in QuickBooks is that you need to reissue the form based on the raised request by any of your employees.

This can come from an employee whose form might have been damaged due to any given reason thereby arising the cause for reprinting a lost W-2 in QuickBooks.

While Printing the W-2 Form, is it Mandatory to Print on the Perforated Paper?

While printing the W-2 Form, advisably you should get it printed on the perforated paper. In case you do not have perforated paper at your disposal, you can also make use of any other good quality paper.

Can I Procure the Information of the Previous Year’s W2 Form? If Yes, What are the Steps Involved in This?

Yes, you can procure the information from the previous year’s w2 form. To do this, you need to consider pulling it out of the tax worksheet present on QuickBooks.

Check out the steps given below for fetching the data from the previous year’s w2 form:

Visit the Reports Menu.
Choose Employees and Payroll.
Tap on More Payroll Reports in Excel.
Select Tax Form Worksheets.
Make your selection for the Annual W2/W3. You find this from the Excel file that you have downloaded. If you wish to reprint w2 of the prior year, in that case, you can change the year as well.
Tap on Create Report.

Instead of Reprinting the W-2 Form for My Employee, can I Directly make it Available to the Respective Employee Who has Raised this Request?

Absolutely! You can definitely consider making the W-2 form directly available to the respective employee who has raised this request instead of reprinting it yourself.

To do this, you have to take the help of Intuit’s QuickBooks Workforce which is a free access site. To start with, enable the option that would provide your employees with online access to their W-2 forms.

However, before you enable this option, make sure that you have processed the form before this in QuickBooks Desktop Payroll.

Once your employees get an email invite, here’s what next, they have to do for accessing QuickBooks Workforce:

Tap on the link ( present on the notification email sent by you.
Select Sign Up option and assign security questions when you see them prompting.
Create an Intuit account as per the instructions displayed.
Sign In to the account.
Choose to either view only or print your W-2 form.

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