Dec 13, 2022 06:11 AM 1 Answers QuickBooks
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If anyone using 1099 reports can help me. My QuickBooks 1099 report is not working...

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James Antonio
Dec 13, 2022

Try below mentioned method if your 1099 report is not working,

You must use the 1099 wizard to view information on the 1099 summary or detail for 1099NEC vendors.

  1. In the top menu, you have to select Vendor.
  2. Then click on the 1099 forms.
  3. Now you have to print/E-File 1099 forms.
  4. When you are asked to before you prepare and file forms 1099, at that time you have to choose yes.
  5. You can Get Started with either 1099misc or 1099nec.
  6. After selecting Get started for 1099nec, you have to click Continue Hit continue again (this is the verify your 1099 info screen).
  7. Continue once more (this is map vendor payments and accounts.
  8. You are now able to see the detailed report. View Detail Report may be found in the upper right corner, below the description for the numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5).
  9. At last, you have to click continue, and in the same place on the next screen, you will see View Summary Report.
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