I try to apply credit to invoice and QuickBooks shuts down when I try to apply it

May 03, 2022 10:15 AM 1 Answers QuickBooks Pro
Member Since May 2022
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Tried to apply credit to invoice and QuickBooks shuts down when i try to apply it. I am using QuickBooks 2019, please provide some solution.

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James Antonio
May 03, 2022

To resolve the above problem please refer to the below given steps,

  • In your Quickbooks account, locate and open the credit memo.
  • By hitting Ctrl + H, you may see the history of the credit memo (shortcut command for history).
  • Select the invoice to which the credit was applied by double-clicking it.
  • To apply for credits, click the Apply Credits option.
  • In the Previously Applied Credits window, clear the current credit option.
  • On the Apply Credits window, click Done.
  • To erase the credit and make your adjustments, click Save & Close on the invoice.
  • However, I am unable to locate the Apply Credits option.
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